Medicaid Office Locator
Do you have questions about Medicaid in Florida such as:
- How do I apply for it?
- What's covered?
- Am I eligible?
- What's the status of application?
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Need more information on Health Care? Browse the Pasco County Library System catalog to get more materials.
Go Here to find a Florida Health Care Provider close to you. This information is located on the Florida Health Finder site.
Go Here to find a Health Insurance Provider offering coverage in Pasco County. This information is located on the Florida Health Finder site.
Go Here to find Medicaid information in Florida. This information is located on the Florida Health Finder site.
Looking for a job in the Health Care industry or do you an existing career in the industry and wish to advance? The Pasco County Library System may be able to help you.
Click Here to visit our Learning Express Lab resource site to view and take practice exams for medical certifications or entrance exams. The practice exams are located under Jobs & Careers and then Nursing and Allied Health.
You will need a valid Pasco County Library Card to use this resource and if you are using the Learning Express Lab for the first time, you will also need to create a login.
This blog was created as part of the E-Government services offered by the Pasco County Library System. Our intent is to provide the citizens of Pasco County, Florida electronic resources and information about Health Care in Pasco County.
Go Here to watch or listen to the latest podcasts from the CDC about the H1N1 Virus.
Go Here to watch or listen to all the latest podcasts from the CDC on a range of health care issues.
If you are 60 years old or older and without prescription drug coverage or who fall into the Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage gap; or under age 60, without prescription drug coverage, and with an annual family income of less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level you may use this program. Qualifying incomes include those below the following:
$32,490 (for an individual)
$43,710 (for a family of two)
$66,150 (for a family of four)
For general information: http://www.floridadiscountdrugcard.com/
To enroll go to: http://www.floridadiscountdrugcard.com
Or call 1-866-341-8894 to enroll by telephone
Pasco County Prescription Discount Card
You can pick these up at any library branch or at the health department to receive a discount on your prescriptions.
For information 1-877-321-2652 or visit their website www.caremark.com/naco
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